Nice and Shiny, Isn’t It?

by Garrett Coble
opinions editor

      If you’ve made it far enough to read this sentence, you’ve probably noticed that the Purple and White has undergone significant alterations in format. Like Europe after the fall of Rome and the onset of the Dark Ages, a new era has dawned in the Purple and White offices. Ideally, this change will bring about more fruitful products than those of the Dark Ages. Now am I saying this transition to a digital medium stands par with the Renaissance or other major advancements of humanity? No, but I’m not saying it doesn’t, either.

Obviously, the transition to digital allows for greater content at a reduced cost. However, another benefit—the increased ability for reader interaction—outweighs this pronounced reduction in cost. With increased flexibility regarding when articles go to “print,” students will now find it even easier to express their opinions regarding any issue inside or outside the bubble. This also allows greater opportunity for “letters to the editor,” as page space is limitless and deadlines always fluid. For students not as versed in the written word, the enhanced freedom of the digital world will allow opinions writers, such as myself, to write on student suggested topics without fretting over space concerns. Thus, with simply an e-mail to yours truly, you, the reader, can submit your own article, suggest a topic, or write a kindly (or unkindly) worded letter to the editors.

Our unlimited space also allows for a greater variety of content types. Here, in this dark section of the website, we will keep the above-mentioned article format as the mainstay. In an effort to engage our reader, the comments section will provide an instantaneous way to foster discussion regarding said articles. I intentionally use the words “foster discussion” to propagate the image of a more civilized discussion than typically graces Internet boards; reusing the fall of Rome/barbarian metaphor again is just too easy.

In addition to these new features, I will also provide my own comments in a section new to our webpage entitled “From the Opinions Desk.” Essentially, this will provide a way for me to respond to quirky stories or proposed topics without the formality of a 500-word article. Similar to the articles of the page, this section will also be open to reader submissions. Such “blurbs” provide a method to respond quickly on our end to developing stories or follow up on old ones (we’re looking at you, Reuben’s bacon).

I know that this may be a difficult transition for some of our faithful readers, but I promise that we here at the opinions section will strive to deliver the same quality of content as before. We will continue to incorporate the lowest levels of humor. We will always stoop down for the easy puns. We will continue to reach hilarity through ridiculous juxtapositions of reality. We will continue to use big words. Am I throwing down the gauntlet and saying we will always be the best section of the newspaper?

No, but I’m not saying we won’t be, either.

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